Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Memior and Memory

A memior is an account of the most significant times in a person's life. For example, The Diary of Anne Frank is an autobiography about that hard time in her life. Personally, if i was to write a memior it would not be about the happiest times since they are few and far apart. It would be an account on the instances in my life in which i had to overcome discrimination and abuse. My memiors would hopefully become an inspiration to young girls growing up in similar situations.

A memory can be life or death, a thought or idea, joyous or depressing. A memory can be anything that has be imprinted onto someone's mind. It can be the memory of a grandmother who has passed away or a memory of one's past experiences that have flown by. It can be the thought that inspires you to write the novel, or the idea of the painting you would like to create. It could be anything that made you smile, even if it is just a smirk; or it can be depressing, like something that has ended prematurely.

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