Sunday, October 28, 2007

Eyes of Hell

Swallowed by the dark rays that beamed from hell
All glowing to the sound of a ringing bell
The demons have crawled from under the surface
To attack the one who will be hallow yet fragile
They crawled their way up and through the ground
And as they gaze forward and their victim they had found
For that moment in time I awaited their leader
The one from whom they announced as the creature
They made a straight path directly to me
And finally I saw what the creature could be
It slowly stepped forward at the sounding of the bell
And I suddenly gazed into the eyes of hell
Scared my body went into a state of shock
And my body fell through the earth and onto the rock
My body is now bruised and battered from it
And still the creature has not finished his fit
He follows me down and claws at my skin
And I hear the demons in the distance turn to sin
Blood leaks from my flesh and falls onto the floor
And suddenly I look at the creature as I saw it before
My soul arises from my battered body at the sound of the bell
And I walk down the grimy staircase and to my gruesome hell

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